<aside> 💡 If you sell to everyone, you sell to no one. How to pick the right segment to accelerate your scale:


Segment your customers in 4 simple steps:

1. Group early adopters

...that are most satisfied with your product and have common characteristics. You'll probably find 2 to 5 groups (segments):

Your Customer Segments

2. Define problem statement

Fill-in the following ad-lib problem statement: "When situation I want motivation so I can outcome."

ie. ConvertKit: "When starting a side project I want to create a newsletter so I can grow my audience quicker"

Your Customer Segments

3. Define actual vs. desired State

Current solution vs. your solution, current pains (struggles) vs. your pain relievers, and consequences (measurable negative impact) vs. switching outcomes (measurable positive impact).

Your Customer Segments

4. Score segments

Finally, evaluate the segments to pick your best opportunity to win!

Your Customer Segments