1. Duplicate & fill-in the Google Sheet

The first step is to duplicate this Google Sheets template & fill in your product data (you should delete/replace the placeholder data, which is there strictly for your reference) and make it "Public".

<aside> ⚠️ Do not modify the headers (the first row of values) — otherwise, your sheet will not work properly.



2. Create landing pages in GumSheet

Open GumSheet, where you'll need to paste your Google Sheets URL, the GID of the Settings sheet, and your GumSheet license key then click the "Refresh Pages" button.

<aside> 👉 You may need to double-click (Google Sheets can be a bit fussy sometimes, but your data only needs to load once)




3. 🎩 Tada!

Your products will load in the "Pages" dropdown: now you can cycle through and preview your landing pages (and metas below, and download the blazing-fast, lightweight standalone HTML files in 1-click.

▶ Play the video below to see GumSheet in action!

You can easily host these webpages anywhere (ie. for free on Github Pages, with a custom domain) — so you only need to subscribe for GumSheet when you want to create or update new pages!




<aside> 🎯 Haven't tried GumSheet yet? Get a license key and start creating landing pages for your Gumroad products today!
